{ "General Information": { "DOI": "10.17171\/1-1-4304", "Title": "Dialface ID 544", "Creator": "Berlin Sundial Collaboration", "Publisher": "Edition Topoi", "Publication Year": "2014", "Subtitle": "Naples, Inv. Nr. 25494", "Description": "Information on the Dialface ID 544 \/ Object ID 501" }, "Technical characteristics": { "Collection": "Ancient Sundials", "Contributor Name": "Gerd Gra\u00dfhoff, Elisabeth Rinner", "Contributor Type": "Editor", "Resource Type": "Dataset", "Date (Update)": "2014" }, "Specific attributes": { "Origin \/ Holder object": "Museo Archeologico Nazionale", "Inventory Number": "25494", "Holder digital source": "Exzellenzcluster 264 \u2013 Topoi" }, "Conditions for use": { "Rights": "Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE" }, "Annotations": { "Subjects": "History of Science, Archaeology", "Version": "1" }, "References": [ { "type": "article", "id": "Price1969", "citekey": "Price1969", "collection": "repository", "title": "Portable Sundials in Antiquity, including an Account of a New Example from Aphrodisias", "year": "1969", "author": [ { "name": "de Solla Price, Derek John" } ], "journal": { "number": "14", "name": "Centaurus", "volume": "14", "pages": "242--266" }, "pages": "p. 244 ff." } ] }