{ "General Information": { "DOI": "10.17171\/1-3-650-1", "Creator": "Exzellenzcluster 264 \u2013 Topoi", "Title": "BDIA3266", "Subtitle": "transliteration and English translation by Hermann Hunger und Abrahm J. Sachs", "Publisher": "Edition Topoi", "Publication Year": "2015", "Description": "", "Source": "Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia, Edited by Hermann Hunger, Wien, 2006, Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften<\/a>" }, "Technical characteristics": { "Collection": "Astronomical Diaries", "Contributor Type": "Editor", "Format": "PDF", "Contributor Name": "Gerd Gra\u00dfhoff", "Resource Type": "Dataset", "Tools": "dEbook Viewer", "Size": "", "Date (Update)": "2015" }, "Specific Attributes": { "Origin \/ Holder object": "", "Holder digital source": "Exzellenzcluster 264 \u2013 Topoi", "Inventory Number": "", "Language source\/object": "akkadian", "Related Identifier": "", "Alternate Identifier": "", "Geolocation\/region": "Babylonia" }, "Conditions for use": { "Further legal restrictions or comments": "", "Rights": "Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE" }, "Annotations": { "Subjects": "", "Version": "1.0", "Further information": "" } }