{ "General Information": { "DOI": "10.17171\/1-8-2882", "Title": "Inscription ICG 371", "Creator": "C. Breytenbach, K. Hallof, U. Huttner, J. Krumm, S. Mitchell, J. Ogereau, M. Prodanova, E. Sironen, M. Veksina, and C. Zimmermann", "Publisher": "Edition Topoi", "Publication Year": "2015" }, "Technical characteristics": { "Collection": "Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae", "Date (Update)": "2015" }, "Specific attributes": { "Origin \/ Holder object": "Laodicea Combusta", "Holder digital source": "Exzellenzcluster 264 \u2013 Topoi" }, "Conditions for use": { "Rights": "Creative Commons BY 3.0 DE" }, "Annotations": { "Subjects": "Christian Epigraphy, Ancient Cultures, Theology", "Version": "1" }, "References": { "Editions": [ { "type": "inbook", "id": "swoboda_et_al_denkmaler_aus_lykaonien", "citekey": "swoboda_et_al_denkmaler_aus_lykaonien", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Denkm\u00e4ler aus Lykaonien, Pamphylien und Isaurien", "address": "Bru\u0308nn", "year": 1935, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Swoboda et al., Denkm\u00e4ler aus Lykaonien\nEdition: yes", "volume": "", "pages": "101\/Nr. 291", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Swoboda, H., J. Keil" }, { "name": "F. Knoll" } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "klio_10", "citekey": "klio_10", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Klio. Beitr\u00e4ge zur alten Geschichte", "address": "", "year": 1910, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Klio 10\nEdition: yes", "volume": "10", "pages": "232-234\/Nr. 1", "author": [ { "name": "Calder, W. M." } ], "editor": [] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "ramsay_luke_the_physician", "citekey": "ramsay_luke_the_physician", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Luke, the Physician and Other Studies in the History of Religion", "address": "Aberdeen", "year": 1908, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Ramsay, Luke the Physician\nEdition: yes", "volume": "", "pages": "339-351", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Ramsay, W. M." } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "wischmeyer_inschriften_der_alten_kirche", "citekey": "wischmeyer_inschriften_der_alten_kirche", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Griechische und lateinische Inschriften zur Sozialgeschichte der Alten Kirche. Texte zur Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte. Heft 28", "address": "G\u00fctersloh", "year": 1982, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Wischmeyer, Inschriften der Alten Kirche\nEdition: yes", "volume": "", "pages": "34-36\/Nr. 4", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Wischmeyer, W." } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "guarducci_epigrafia_greca_iv", "citekey": "guarducci_epigrafia_greca_iv", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Epigrafia Greca IV: Epigrafi sacre, pagane e cristiane", "address": "Rome", "year": 1978, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Guarducci, Epigrafia Greca IV\nEdition: yes", "volume": "4", "pages": "394-398\/Nr. 6", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Guarducci, M." } ] }, { "type": "article", "id": "jrs_10", "citekey": "jrs_10", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Studies in Early Christian Epigraphy", "year": 1920, "note": "Original Abbreviation: JRS 10\nEdition: yes", "author": [ { "name": "Calder, W. M." } ], "editor": [], "journal": { "volume": "10", "name": "The Journal of Roman Studies", "pages": "42-47" } }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "tabbernee_montanist_inscriptions", "citekey": "tabbernee_montanist_inscriptions", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Montanist Inscriptions and Testimonia: Epigraphic Sources Illustrating the History of Montanism", "address": "Macon", "year": 1997, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Tabbernee, Montanist Inscriptions\nEdition: yes", "volume": "", "pages": "426-436\/Nr.69", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Tabbernee, W." } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "ramsay_cities_and_bishoprics_of_phrygia_1_2", "citekey": "ramsay_cities_and_bishoprics_of_phrygia_1_2", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia: being an Essay of the Local History of Phrygia from the Earliest Times to the Turkish Conquest. Vol. 1.2: West and West-Central Phrygia", "address": "Oxford", "year": 1897, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Ramsay, Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia 1.2\nEdition: yes", "volume": "", "pages": "543-545\/Nr.410bis", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Ramsay, W. M." } ] }, { "type": "article", "id": "franchi_de_cavalieri_note_agiografiche_3", "citekey": "franchi_de_cavalieri_note_agiografiche_3", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Marco Giulio Eugenio Vescovo di Laodicea di Licaonia", "year": 1909, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Franchi de Cavalieri, Note agiografiche 3\nEdition: yes", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Franchi de Cavalieri, P." } ], "journal": { "volume": "", "name": "Note agiografiche 3. Studi e testi 22", "pages": "60-73" } }, { "type": "article", "id": "buckler_calder_anatolian_studies", "citekey": "buckler_calder_anatolian_studies", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Epigraphy of Anatolian Heresies", "year": 1923, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Buckler \/ Calder, Anatolian Studies\nEdition: yes", "author": [ { "name": "Calder, W. M." } ], "editor": [ { "name": "Buckler, W. H." }, { "name": "W. M. Calder" } ], "journal": { "volume": "", "name": "Anatolian Studies Presented to Sir William Mitchell Ramsay", "pages": "70" } }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "merkelbach_stauber_sgo_3", "citekey": "merkelbach_stauber_sgo_3", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten", "address": "Munich", "year": 2001, "note": "Merkelbach, R., and J. Stauber. Steinepigramme aus dem griechischem Osten. Bd. 3: Der \"ferne Osten\" und das Landesinnere bis zum Tauros. Munich, 2001.\nOriginal Abbreviation: Merkelbach \/ Stauber, SGO 3\nEdition: yes", "volume": "3", "pages": "80-81\/Nr.14\/06\/04", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Merkelbach, R." }, { "name": "J. Stauber" } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "johnson_epitaphs_from_anatolia", "citekey": "johnson_epitaphs_from_anatolia", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Early-Christian Epitaphs from Anatolia", "address": "Atlanta", "year": 1995, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Johnson, Epitaphs from Anatolia\nEdition: yes", "volume": "", "pages": "88-91\/3.5", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Johnson, G. J." } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "schede_wien", "citekey": "schede_wien", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Archiv des Instituts f\u00fcr Kulturgeschichte der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ehemals \u201eKleinasiatische Kommission\u201c)", "address": "Vienna", "year": null, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Schede Wien\nEdition: yes", "volume": "", "chapter": "Laodikeia 68", "author": [], "editor": [] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "mama_1", "citekey": "mama_1", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua. Vol. 1", "address": "Manchester", "year": 1928, "note": "Original Abbreviation: MAMA 1\nEdition: yes", "volume": "", "chapter": "Nr. 170", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Calder, W. M." } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "ils", "citekey": "ils", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Inscriptiones Latinae selectae. Vols. 1-3", "address": "Berlin", "year": 1892, "note": "(1892 - 1916)\nOriginal Abbreviation: ILS\nEdition: yes", "volume": "", "chapter": "Nr. 9480", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Dessau, H." } ] } ], "Bibliography": [ { "type": "inbook", "id": "trombley_hellenic_religion_and_christianization_2", "citekey": "trombley_hellenic_religion_and_christianization_2", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Hellenic Religion and Christianization c. 370-529. Vol. 2", "address": "Leiden", "year": 2001, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Trombley, Hellenic Religion and Christianization 2\nEdition: no", "volume": "", "pages": "152-153", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Trombley, F. R." } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "hubner_klerus", "citekey": "hubner_klerus", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Der Klerus in der Gesellschaft des sp\u00e4tantiken Kleinasiens", "address": "Stuttgart", "year": 2005, "note": "Original Abbreviation: H\u00fcbner, Klerus\nEdition: no", "volume": "", "pages": "153 (u.\u00f6.)", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "H\u00fcbner, S." } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "chiron_37", "citekey": "chiron_37", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Chiron", "address": "", "year": 2007, "note": "Chiron: Mitteilungen der Kommission f\u00fcr Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Arch\u00e4ologischen Instituts\nOriginal Abbreviation: Chiron 37\nEdition: no", "volume": "37", "pages": "173 (Anm. 99)", "author": [ { "name": "Haensch, R." } ], "editor": [] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "rapp_holy_bishops_in_late_antiquity", "citekey": "rapp_holy_bishops_in_late_antiquity", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Holy Bishops in Late Antiquity: The Nature of Christian Leadership in an Age of Transition", "address": "Berkeley", "year": 2005, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Rapp, Holy Bishops in Late Antiquity\nEdition: no", "volume": "", "pages": "184,203-204,221", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Rapp, C." } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "znw_81", "citekey": "znw_81", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Zeitschrift f\u00fcr die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der \u00c4lteren Kirche", "address": "", "year": 1990, "note": "Original Abbreviation: ZNW 81\nEdition: no", "volume": "81", "pages": "225-246", "author": [ { "name": "Wischmeyer, W." } ], "editor": [] }, { "type": "article", "id": "ast_18_1", "citekey": "ast_18_1", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Laodikeia Katakekaumene (Konya-Ladik)", "year": 2000, "note": "Original Abbreviation: AST 18.1\nEdition: no", "author": [ { "name": "Drew-Bear, T." } ], "editor": [], "journal": { "volume": "18.1", "name": "Ara\u015ft\u0131rma Sonu\u00e7lar\u0131 Toplant\u0131s\u0131", "pages": "247-248, 250" } }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "kaufmann_handbuch_der_altchristlichen_epigraphik", "citekey": "kaufmann_handbuch_der_altchristlichen_epigraphik", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Handbuch der altchristlichen Epigraphik", "address": "Freiburg", "year": 1917, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Kaufmann, Handbuch der altchristlichen Epigraphik\nEdition: no", "volume": "", "pages": "249-251", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Kaufmann, C. M." } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "guyot_klein_das_fruhe_christentum", "citekey": "guyot_klein_das_fruhe_christentum", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Das fr\u00fche Christentum bis zum Ende der Verfolgungen: Die Christen im heidnischen Staat", "address": "Darmstadt", "year": 1994, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Guyot \/ Klein, Das fr\u00fche Christentum\nEdition: no", "volume": "1", "pages": "256-259\/Nr. 4i", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Guyot, P." }, { "name": "R. Klein" } ] }, { "type": "article", "id": "expositor_7th_8", "citekey": "expositor_7th_8", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Fourth-Century Lycaonian Bishop II", "year": 1909, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Expositor 7th, 8\nEdition: no", "author": [ { "name": "Calder, W. M." } ], "editor": [], "journal": { "volume": "8", "name": "The Expositor. 7th Series", "pages": "307-322" } }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "rohr_kult_und_fest_in_lykaonien", "citekey": "rohr_kult_und_fest_in_lykaonien", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Kult und Fest in Lykaonien", "address": "Hamburg", "year": 2009, "note": "R\u00f6hr, B. Kult und Fest in Lykaonien. Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums 20. Hamburg, 2009.\nOriginal Abbreviation: R\u00f6hr, Kult und Fest in Lykaonien\nEdition: no", "volume": "", "pages": "318\/Nr.809", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "R\u00f6hr, B." } ] }, { "type": "article", "id": "expositor_7th_6_5", "citekey": "expositor_7th_6_5", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Fourth-Century Lycaonian Bishop I", "year": 1908, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Expositor 7th, 6.5\nEdition: no", "author": [ { "name": "Calder, W. M." } ], "editor": [], "journal": { "volume": "6.5", "name": "The Expositor. 7th Series", "pages": "385-408" } }, { "type": "article", "id": "expositor_7th_9_1", "citekey": "expositor_7th_9_1", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Epitaph of M. Julius Eugenius", "year": 1910, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Expositor 7th, 9.1\nEdition: no", "author": [ { "name": "Ramsay, W. M." } ], "editor": [], "journal": { "volume": "9.1", "name": "The Expositor. 7th Series", "pages": "51-55" } }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "wischmeyer_von_golgatha_zum_ponte_molle", "citekey": "wischmeyer_von_golgatha_zum_ponte_molle", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Von Golgatha zum Ponte Molle: Studien zur Sozialgeschichte der Kirche im dritten Jahrhundert, Forschungen zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte. Bd. 49", "address": "G\u00f6ttingen", "year": 1992, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Wischmeyer, Von Golgatha zum Ponte Molle\nEdition: no", "volume": "", "pages": "54-61", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Wischmeyer, W." } ] }, { "type": "inbook", "id": "mitchell_anatolia_2", "citekey": "mitchell_anatolia_2", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "The Rise of the Church. Vol. 2 of Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor", "address": "Oxford", "year": 1993, "note": "Original Abbreviation: Mitchell, Anatolia 2\nEdition: no", "volume": "", "pages": "82", "author": [], "editor": [ { "name": "Mitchell, S." } ] }, { "type": "article", "id": "analbolland_anbol_67", "citekey": "analbolland_anbol_67", "collection": "ICG: references for inscription", "title": "Inscriptions grecques relatives \u00e0 l'hagiographie", "year": 1949, "note": "Original Abbreviation: AnalBolland (AnBol) 67\nEdition: no", "author": [ { "name": "Halkin, F." } ], "editor": [], "journal": { "volume": "67", "name": "Analecta Bollandiana", "pages": "90" } } ] } }